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3 Energy Efficiency Options To Consider For Replacement Windows

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Homeowners usually go a long time between window replacements. Indeed, many homeowners only replace windows once in their tenure in that house. Therefore, they're not always cognizant of some of the upgrades in window technology. Well, one of the major upgrades in modern times relates to energy efficiency. In fact, you can choose three energy efficiency features.

1. Multiple Panes of Glass

Most homeowners don't purchase single panes of glass anymore. They typically choose between two or three panes of glass. Windows with multiple panes feature a wider frame. In between the glass panes is a spacer with a desiccant and a seal.

The addition of the extra panes serves different purposes. The main purpose is to slow down heat energy transfer. The heat energy has to pass through that additional layer or two, so it escapes more slowly. The addition of more panes can also help windows be more soundproof.

2. Gas Fills

With double-paned and triple-paned windows, you'll have an additional choice to make. That choice is whether you want the space filled with gas or if you want to leave it empty. The manufacturers pump either argon or krypton into the space. Both are inert gases that are viscous and slow-moving.

The purpose of these inert gases is to allow for even less convection than ordinary air. The addition of a gas fill adds yet one more layer that heat energy has to transfer through. Therefore, it slows that transfer down. Krypton is the better insulator, but argon is a better value for the money.

3. Low-E Coatings

Low-emissivity, or Low-E, coatings are the third main choice you can make for energy efficiency. Highly reflective materials have a low emissivity, which means they have a high ability to re-radiate the sun's radiant energy. Manufacturers apply a microscopic transparent coating to the surface of the glass to change its emissivity level.

Low-E coatings radiate the sun's heat back out. Therefore, it can't enter your home and make it hotter. However, the coating also radiates heat from inside your home back inside. So, it's capable of keeping heated air inside your home, too.

The best way to determine if you need energy efficiency options, and to choose which ones, is to consider the current state of your house's heat energy transfer. If you live in a cold climate, you need the energy efficiency options that keep heat in. If sun is an issue where you live, Low-E coatings will likely prove useful. Choose the above options based on your home's unique needs.

For more information, contact a replacement windows installation service.
