Creating A Beautiful Home Each Day

Tips For Keeping The Weeds At Bay In Your Flower Garden

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If you have put a lot of work into the planting of some beautiful flowers and you have decorated the flower bed with a few pieces of cute statues, you will need to go the extra step to make sure that you are keeping the weeds away. Otherwise, the look of the weeds can take away from what is supposed to be the focal point of your flower garden. Add A Layer Of Weed Barrier Read More»

Rodent Myths And Misinformation

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Rodent control issues can be among the most common types of pest problems that homeowners will find that they have to address. Failing to adequately address a mouse problem can cause a number of issues, and limited experience with this type of pest can put you at a higher risk of allowing some misconceptions about these rodents to cloud your ability to protect your property. Myth: Mice Only Pose A Problem Due To The Unsanitary Conditions They Create Read More»

How To Create A Bedroom With A Beach Theme

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Are you a person who loves to go to the beach? If so, you may have decided to decorate your bedroom with a beach theme. If so, from selecting the wall treatment to buying blinds for your windows, here are some ideas that might help you to plan something that you will love. The Walls - Go with the colors that you find on the beach. For example, choose light ochre that will represent the sand on the beach. Read More»

3 Reasons To Choose Concrete Countertops

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If you are in the process of building or redesigning your home, one room that is super fun to work on is your kitchen. There are so many different customizations that you can add to your kitchen and the options are basically endless. This is a room where you and your family will likely be spending a lot of your time, so you want to make sure that this room is both functional and enjoyable for you. Read More»

Four Benefits Of Outdoor Wall Lighting Fixtures

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Outdoor wall lighting fixtures are now more than just decoration. Wherever you hang or install these lighting fixtures, they will shine bright in the darkest night. They also provide all of the following benefits. Prevent Home Intrusion It is a fact that houses with exterior lighting are less likely to be invaded than houses with no exterior lighting. Whatever the intruders are after, they will skip over homes that are brightly lit around the yard and perimeter. Read More»